Tips for Mountain Hiking

From reducing anxiety to preventing osteoporosis, mountain trekking has numerous benefits! Not only can you capture some stunning landscapes and also socialise with friends or family, but you can also improve your health at the same time.
Read our blog on the benefits of hiking.
Why Mountain Trek?
It is recommended that you make use of the great outdoors rather than walking on a treadmill because trekking often involves unusual terrains and some unpredictable variances, which makes the experience more fun and interesting. Our tips for trekking across mountains are here to ensure you have the best time while also remaining safe and comfortable!
Start Small
If you are a beginner, it is important that you don’t challenge yourself too much and start with a small mountain. Not only do you want the incline to be small, but you also don’t want the route to be too long.
Always Check the Weather
On the lead up to your trek, it is essential that you check the weather. We would recommend that you check a week in advance and then continue to look it up until a few hours before you leave. By doing this, you can give yourself the best chance of being prepared for any scenarios that may occur.
You can base what you wear and what you take on the weather. For sunny weather, you will want to wear less clothing and pack sunscreen. Whereas, if it’s raining, you will want to wear waterproofs and maybe pack some extra clothes for if the ones you’re wearing get soaked through.
Remember though, in the mountains, weather can change very quickly and unexpectedly, so you should be prepared for all eventualities.
If the weather is forecasted to take a drastic turn and looks like it could be poor conditions, sometimes it is best to reschedule your mountain walk and try for another day when the weather is expected to improve.
Inform Someone of Your Whereabouts
It is vital that you let someone who isn’t going to walk know that you are planning a trek. Provide information on where you will be, and also give a “worry time” for when they should contact someone for help. We have specifically recommended that you don’t inform them of a time you expect to finish because you may come across some obstacles that are of no harm but simply delay you.
You should provide a time several hours after you expect to finish your trek to ensure that you aren’t just slightly delayed from any slow movement, stunning views or maybe a sore knee that causes you to stop and rest for a moment.
Wear Good Quality Boots
We highly recommend that you choose a good quality pair of boots to wear on your walk. While they might cost a little more, they will last longer and more importantly, they will be far more comfortable for walking. If your feet are comfortable and aren’t aching or sore, then you can trek further, faster and also go on more treks!
Here at LOWA, we offer a range of walking boots for wide feet for both men and women, to ensure that you can walk while feeling secure, comfortable and content! No one wants to be nearing the peak of a mountain and then get stopped in their tracks because of blisters, an unsupported ankle that has become sore or some torn soles.
Dress Appropriately
What you wear will significantly depend on the weather conditions you are faced with, but there is always a chance to prepare. Avoid cotton as it can get damp easily and will remain soggy for a long period of time, making for an uncomfortable trek.
Instead, synthetics can adjust to your temperature and the weather! Layers are also recommended because you can remove some if necessary; wear too little, and you will end up cold and shivering, which can hinder your performance. It is also a good idea to pack an extra layer, potentially one that is a windshield too!
Pack Light
As you will be tackling many ascents, it is important that your backpack isn’t too heavy and weighing you down. For example, if you are going in the summer months, don’t pack a huge tube of sunscreen, instead opt for a travel size. Only pack the absolute essentials! The heaviest item in your rucksack should be water – it is essential you keep yourself hydrated throughout the trek.
We hope that you feel prepared for your next mountain trek, or perhaps your first! If you are looking to start mountain walking, then why not take a look at our list of the best UK hiking trips for beginners?