A Guide to Hiking with Kids

Now more than ever, families are looking to spend their quality time out in the fresh air and open spaces of nature. There are many benefits to spending more time surrounded by nature, none less important than its ability to bring us all together. As opposed to the sometimes-hectic style of the modern world, the wild outdoors can help us unwind and genuinely appreciate the time we spend with the people we love!
The importance of detaching from the daily routine is one reason why many families are looking to explore nature’s trails together through walks and hikes. A fantastic physical activity that can be enjoyed by all generations together, walking is a great way to get children active and having fun. Here, we provide some simple tips to ensure your children will love their first hiking experiences!
Child Steps
Often, we find our younger ones bustling around the house like little balls of unlimited energy! This unbridled enthusiasm can be put to good use through a fun walk through nature’s delights. However, for shorter legs, these trails can be quite draining.
When taking your child on your hiking adventures, it’s best to start them off slow by taking them on a shorter, more straightforward route. Kids can get tired and bored very quickly, so this will help ensure that smiles remain on their faces throughout the adventure!
Bring Food and Drink
As previously mentioned, walking long distances can be especially tiring, even for the most active of children. Avoid your young one’s enthusiasm burning out by bringing along a selection of food and drinks that you can all enjoy together during your trip.
While for adults, we recommend specific foods that can help replenish energy on your journey, for children, it’s important that they can enjoy their food. Find a balance between energy replenishing meals and the food they love, giving them another reason to enjoy their day outdoors.
Keep it Fun
As you’re probably aware, most children tend to have extremely short attention spans. Continuous walking, while physically engaging, can get boring for children after a while. Therefore, try and include plenty of fun activities along your route to keep them smiling and laughing.
There are countless ways that a hiking trail can be made fun for little ones. Picking routes with minor obstacles, such as stream crossings or rocky terrain, can provide a little challenge that will excite their adventurous side. A lot of children show a keen interest in nature, so pointing out specific sights on your trip, such as trees or animals, can keep their eyes full of wonder. Another way to make a hiking trail fun is to incorporate their other hobbies into the adventure. If they enjoy drawing, sports or anything else, try and include it during your trip for an extra-exciting experience! This point is also something we featured in our recent article on ten tips, ideas and excuses for an evening walk.
Break the Day
This point links nicely to all those mentioned above. Walking can be quite tiring on young legs, so it’s vital that you provide breaks during your journey for their bodies and minds to recharge. For many, these moments are where the real joy of walking is found – lost in nature, surrounded by those you love as you enthuse about your day.
Whether it’s stopping for a food and drink break to recharge, or pausing to watch animals by a river, make sure you give you and your children time to enjoy nature’s delights. You might even discover something new about yourselves!
Hopefully, this article will give you the inspiration you need to get out there and enjoy the open world with your family! If you’re looking at getting into walking this year, we stock a range of high-quality summer hiking boots.