10 Reasons Why We Love Nature

For any outdoor enthusiast, the natural world is our playground. In these environments, we truly find ourselves – whether that’s by wandering through luscious woodlands, up snowy mountains, or walking breezy coastlines. We all have little spots in nature that offer us much more than pleasant views.
Right now, we’re putting on our summer hiking boots and enjoying the most of Britain’s perfect landscapes that shine under the luminous, summer sun. But even in winter, we still find wonder in this world – a place to think and unwind away from our crazy, urbanised living.
The natural world, throughout history, has been regarded as having a host of benefits for humankind. In this feature, we’re going to share our top reasons why we love nature and why you should too!
Provides You with Fresh Air
Today, our communities continue to urbanise. New builds continue to eat up the natural landscapes that surround towns and cities, and these places, therefore, become congested. The problem with increasing the size of communities is that the rise in traffic, homes and businesses can expand the air pollution in specific locations.
The world has become progressively concerned with air pollution. Today, people find solace in natural spots where the air is cleaner, providing individuals with the feeling of being able to breathe a little easier. Of course, this makes natural places the perfect location for meditation and yoga, where breathing is essential to the practice. That’s why we’re seeing a lot more yoga retreats and green gyms take their business to natural locations.
Stimulates the Senses
Natural environments can stimulate the senses, providing new and fresh scents, a beautiful array of colours to see, a range of textures to touch and a host of calming sounds. We’ve got to say, there’s something special about walking through woodlands after a light shower!
Getting away from your daily routine and experiencing new sensations can help to rejuvenate you while also showing the power of your body. Did you know, for example, that humans can also track by scent alone? Scientists discovered that people who spend more time in nature are more in tune with their surroundings, which can bring a wealth of benefits to individual performance.
Connect with Flora and Fauna
Not only should we head to nature to connect with ourselves, but we should also go there to connect with the wealth of wonderful flora and fauna. When we can see wildlife and plants in their natural environment, we gain more appreciation for them. Kids and adults alike will find it exciting to see a squirrel run past their feet, a deer jumping through the growth or a bird flying overhead. What’s more, seeing a tapestry of colour can be an enjoyable experience – whether it’s the yellow daffodils or bluebells in spring, the wild meadow flowers of summer or the auburn leaves of autumn months.
Satisfies Our Instincts
People love to be in nature, and according to scientists, this is something that has been passed down for generations. Regardless of cultural differences, humans gravitate toward natural images, whether that’s in photographs or the views outside our windows.
This innate desire to be surrounded by nature stems from the first men who would have grown up around and relied on the natural world.
Gives You Time to Unwind
People are very busy nowadays, especially when it comes to working. This means we can often lose sight of taking some time out. Even when we do take time to relax, we’re usually in front of screens – whether that’s the TV, phones or laptops. Getting out in nature teaches us to slow down and check in with ourselves away from everyday distractions. A meaningful connection with nature can actually help us connect more with ourselves.
Gives Therapeutic Time for Yourself
Concentrating on ourselves, therefore, means we can address any issues, and nature can provide the perfect place for a little self-therapy. Nature has been proven, time and time again, to reduce depression, anxiety, stress, and anger, as well as generally boost psychological wellbeing. Nature can help to make you feel happier and more content as a person, which can improve many areas of your life.
A Place That Inspires
Natural environments can also inspire you. Many famous writers, poets, artists and photographers have found that natural spaces have inspired their work. Some even feature these natural places within their art! But it’s not just creative types that can be inspired by nature. Nature can help provide ideas to all the problems you face. That’s because nature can improve our brains abilities, boosting memory performance and attention span by around 20% with just an hour spent outside.
Realise Physical Health Benefits
Along with all the mental benefits of spending time in nature, we love the fact that regular hiking can help to keep you fit. Walking is a great way to maintain your physical health.
• The benefits of walking include:
• Improving heart and lung fitness.
• Reducing the risk of strokes and heart disease.
• Management of join and muscular issues, diabetes, hypertension and high cholesterol.
• Improve balance.
• Increase endurance.
• Strengthen bones and muscles.
• Reduce body fat.
Brings People Closer Together
Participating in walks and hikes with family and friends in nature can be a great way to bond. What’s more, it gives you the perfect opportunity to talk and get to know each other better.
Helps You Find Appreciation for Life
As you can see from this list, there are a lot of benefits to nature to discover. Lastly, we love the fact that being out in nature helps us see the cycle of life, as well as value the natural landscapes around us and the conservation efforts to protect them.
These are just ten of the reasons why we love nature. Why do you love being out in nature? Let us know! And, when you’re out discovering the natural landscapes, don’t forget to prepare. This includes wearing appropriate footwear, taking plenty of water and a backpack full of essentials – it can make all the difference to the experience!